I love women and I love showing women they are BEAUTIFUL, SEXY, SENSUAL, AND MAGAZINE WORTHY TOO with Boudoir Photography!!
We are bombarded daily with images online/social media, on billboards on the highway, magazine covers at the store, and on tv of what media and society deems the “perfect body”, the “perfect hair”, the “perfect outfit”, the “perfect smile” etc, etc, etc!! We grow up from little girls bombarded with this and a lot of us never feel that we measure up! But I am one photogrpaher, amongst so many, showing women with boudoir photography that they can rock what they got and IT’S GORGEOUS!!!!!!!
Boudoir Photography; “It’s not about seducing men, it’s about embracing womanhood.” – Dita Von Teese
Dita said it perfectly!! Wearing lingerie, a sweater and underwear, or nothing at all doesn’t have to be for anyone but yourself and embracing your power with those curves and features that make you a WOMAN!!!
I am excited for every woman whom walks into my studio or in front of my camera! I am your champion for a day and forever! Come see me, wear what YOU love, get pampered and glammed up like a star, and have some fun with me!
PSST: You won’t regret it! Just ask any of the ladies who have come to me so far! 😉 Makeup by my trusted Boss Babe Avery of Smudge and Smoulder (she glams up most of my Boudoir Beauties)
Studio Boudoir Photography in the dark & moody studio setup
Miss A answered a model call for a promo video that I commissioned from Ritz Photo and Film for my new website last year. She was nervous , but excited to try something out of her comfort zone! I know her from my horse adventures and she is such a lively, bubbly woman who seems so confident in her own skin that I am kind of jealous of that self-assuredness she exudes! But she was quite nervous when she showed up! So no matter what a woman portrays we all hold on to the negative voices that tell us inside we’re not worthy…..WELL YOU ARE!!
There is a lot of editing that goes into boudoir, but I have started down a new path this year with my own boudoir photography and that is to edit as MINIMALLY as possible! The only way we change the negative stigma about our bodies being unacceptable is to stop photoshopping every woman into a “barbie doll” and then comparing ourselves to that image!!! I have barely retouched these images; a touch of skin editing is all, as these professional cameras and lenses pick up EVERY SINGLE pore, bruise and vein, so I smooth that out. But I am done with changing body shapes, making skin look like plastic, or altering a fold of skin!!! This woman is GORGEOUS AS SHE IS….SAY IT WITH ME FOR THOSE IN THE BACK….EVERY BODY IS GORGEOUS AS IT IS!!!
NOTE: These sessions are expensive so if a client specifically requests something edited, I will comply with a light touch, but I am really trying to get women of every ethnicity, size, shape, and gender identification to step in front of my camera as they are and go home feeling FABULOUS in their body! I have yet to capture a Trans Woman so if you are one or know of one and want to chat, contact me and let’s chat about giving you some incredible images in the body you have finally been able to achieve despite chromosomes getting it wrong from birth! 😉 <3
Interested in your own session? Check out all the IMPORTANT details here!

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